Here are some recent photos of Merritt I must share. First, he hangs out in his
papasan swing, wearing my favorite
onesie (that he is soon to outgrow if he hasn't already): it reads, "I've got the keys to mommy's heart." He also has a bib that reads, "I love my daddy," and has a cute whale on it. Since I've lived in Argentina, whales have been special to me, ever since I encountered them up close in
Puerto Madryn.
Chiana encroaches.

Next, we have a game called "Get rid of that squid!" which is pretty much what it sounds like. Specifically, I put Merritt in his crib, show him Squidykins, place the squid (or octopus, whatever) on his tummy, and tell him he must get rid of it while I am gone. Then I go away for a little bit to wash my hands or change the laundry or whatever, and when I get back, I am proud to say the squid is usually gone! Here is a reenactment below (not an actual game of Get rid of that squid!):
Start with the squid . . . Squid is gone!

Merritt has a
onesie that says, "Daddy is my hero." He still has room to grow into it. Sometimes Merritt is just plain cute!

The other day Chiana snuck into the bedroom and dove under the covers like Bostons like to do. Except she miscalculated and ferreted her way into a pillowcase--with a pillow in it! It was fun to discover her. She only weighs 13 pounds and is no bigger than a cat.