23 August 2009

One-month Birthday, Grins and Pimples

Merritt turned one month old officially on August 13! Here are a few photos:

Some more cute pics from the past couple of weeks:

An especially groovy outfit below and in "arm monkey" action: his Baby Legs and Zutano socks.

Merritt starts to grin! On August 17, we noticed the first, real grin, but baby smiles are hard to capture. Here are a few from the past week. Now he's mimicking our smiles more predictably, especially if you tickle his chin. He loves his Hedgie shirt and his Ducky coveralls!

Some unusual modes of conveyance: the Sleepy Wrap, which he loves, and true to its name, makes him sleepy, and his faithful steed, Chiana the Boston Terrier. (Note: this is just a pose and not representative of reality; no Chianas were harmed in the staging of this photo.)

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